While I slept a treasury I made and a treasury I was featured in made it to
the front page of Etsy!!
Here is the treasury I made “Her Country Farmhouse” it was on the front page of Etsy at 6am EST. Out of all the treasury I have made this one has received the most views and clicks 2017 views and 821 views.
This treasury “country fried” by natureofart (Christie) featuring my SLUGS made it to the front page of Etsy at 10am EST.
Not only did Christie included my SLUGS but she also included upcycled leather urban bracelet from steampunkfunk (Angie) and a Fabric on Wood piece of art by shellieartist (Shellie) two of my Etsy friends. Steampunkfunk and I are leaders of the Alaskan Etsy team and natureofart is a member of the Alaskan team. Christie won the Junes Alaskan treasury team challenge read more about Christie and her Etsy shop on the Alaskan team blog.
Yay Alaskan Team! I love the title of the post, so perfect!